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Read Carefully
Each member should get some practise atlest once a week if possible And read the tatical page carefully and take the advice. Work Togather.

London Bridge Is Falling Down
Smart players know that indirect attacks can be just as deadly as a direct assault. Buildings provide good cover, but when all that potential energy is converted to kinetic energy right on top of an opponent's head, it's your most powerful weapon. Veteran MechAssault players will recognize this tactic, but newbies will be newbies. Usually buildings don't last long in deathmatch play, so make use of them early. Look for a high concentration of players around a structure and redecorate the landscape. It might score you a few quick kills. What to do in the levels without buildings? It's all about the land bridge.

Let Them Do the Work For You
Often there is one player who is the unfortunate center of attention. Maybe their 'Mech is too visible. Maybe they have a dumb GamerTag. Maybe they chose to be an Elemental. Whatever the case, hopefully this player is not you. If you see a situation developing where one player is getting a lot of attention, it might be beneficial to join the fun. A 'Mech receiving a beating from three enemies is a lot easier to kill than one on one. Hopefully your contribution will be the one that makes the difference. A useful strategy here is to use rapidly firing weapons. You'll be more likely to score the winning kill just because you are hitting the target more often. On the other hand.

There's No Such Thing As A Cheap Shot!
While this public beating is happening, it's likely that other players on the giving end will be so caught up in the moment that they won't notice you sneaking in a few cheap shots. I've noticed many players are aware of the enemy they are engaging, but clueless about other enemies attacking from a blindside. If you see a 'Mech charging blindly into battle, unaware of your presence, light up its backside like a Christmas tree. It's not the most courageous of tactics, but if you do it right you'll be in a great position to go head to head against this player once they realize what's happening.

Know Thy Enemy
Ever consider starting a bar fight with Mike Tyson? Exactly. Choose your fights wisely. Keep an eye on the upper left corner of the screen when kills are registered. If the underground world of schoolyard bullies taught us anything, it's fight someone you know you can take. If you see GaRy_CoLeMaN_666 racking up kill after kill, it's probably for good reason. It would be best to stay away lest you become Gary's 16,000th kill. Time watching your smoldering carcass is time wasted. Choose another player to pick on, preferably one frequently appearing on the losing end of the kill updates.

Don't Shoot A Hungry Lion With A BB Gun
Don't provoke the animals. If your armor is low you don't want to take on a newly spawned Atlas. Similarly, if you were unfortunate enough to choose the Elemental, don't piss off a powered-up Mad Cat. Laying low can work to your advantage. Pick your fights carefully when you are damaged because nothing looks more appetizing to a lion than a plump, slow moving, baby gazelle with a limp. Don't draw attention to yourself unnecessarily, and wait for an armor powerup to appear.

See the Light
Be on the lookout for explosions because they could be your ticket to a few quick kills. Players' tendency to crowd into a single mass works to their disadvantage -- if a player gets stuck too close to an exploding 'Mech, they will take heavy damage. That's your invitation to fire a few volleys into those unfortunate souls…quick hits after an explosion can score quick kills.

Fear of Flying
Target jamming, null signature, and chaff are great ways to avoid a painful attack. A common mistake is to assume jumping is also a great way to avoid attacks. In some situations it may be useful, but a majority of the time a flying 'Mech is like a huge, slow moving blimp with a bull's-eye. Smarter opponents will just switch to their targeting weapons and make short work of your hovering behind. For the most part, a flying 'Mech is no harder to hit than one on the ground.

Sharing Is For Losers
Everything you were taught in kindergarten was a lie. Sharing is a very, very bad idea. In Team Deathmatch grab every powerup you see, even ones you didn't earn. Anything left lying around is fair game for enemy 'Mechs to grab. Nothing is more frustrating than being near the end of a battle to the death, when your opponent stumbles upon an armor powerup. Now the tables are turned and you're up a certain creek without a paddle. It's better to just go for it and grab whatever you can. Better yet, when at full armor levels, basing your attack around an armor powerup can be a great idea, waiting to get hit so you can scoop it up for yourself.


Good Luck And God Speed..........LoL