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Battles We Have Played
On this page you can find out about the clan matchs that FireStorm-Uk have fighted.
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Clan Battle: Return To Castle WolfenStein
WMI VS FireStorm-Uk
Best Of 5 Matchs - Stop Watch - 3v3

Map 1: Beach Invasion - WMI Won
Map 2: Ice - FSuk Won
Map 3: Depot - WMI Won
Map 4: Trench Toast - WMI Won

Overall WMI Won
Comment: Best Clan Match Ever

Clan Battle: MechAssault
FireStorm-Uk vs BxB
3 Matchs - Team DeathMatch - 3v3

Map 1: River City - FSuk Won
Map 2: Ice Pack - FSuk Won
Map 3: Junk Yard - FSuk Won

Overall FSuk Won
Comment: BxB are Gay